Friday, December 23, 2011

Dear 2011, we are no longer friends!

On tuesday I blogged this post - Worst week ever
I hoped my week would get better towards christmas. I mean it's not like it could get any worse right??
Apparently it could.

None of my children have required stitches or broken limbs. They have never bumped their heads or touched something hot. I always counted my lucky stars for having such healthy and unaccident prone as possible children.
But it was not to last.

My darling 3 yr old son Hboy had a nasty accident today, jumping off a table.
He scared me to death and required loads of stitches but he is okay.
We spent 8 hours at the Mater childrens hospital in brisbane.
 We Had amazing doctors, nurses and one fantastic plastic surgeon.
After a small surgical procedure Hboy came home doing well.
I cant stress enough how wonderful this medical team were.
I am really a bag full of emotions at the moment. 

The accident occored while I was rinsing my daughters hair in the shower.
My poor baby boy got hurt and I kept it together.
I do have the mummy guilts though...only a split second..

Over this christmas please don't take your eyes off your little ones.
 Injuries can be seriously scary.
I am thanking santa for this christmas luck.

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