Sunday, December 11, 2011

My top 30 CHEAP, no toy christmas gifts, for kids!

We all know how expensive Christmas is. Budgets get blown, stress is ripe and headaches are plenty.

Like myself your children probably have shit loads of toys that you always say you will sort through. 

SO here is my top 30 no toy Christmas list.

 The gifts listed are fantastic for stocking fillers, friends children, nieces, nephews and so on. 
 Most of the presents I have listed cost less than $20 a pop.

  1. Character Hats - These range from $5-$20 there is generally a wide range available
  2. Crafts - Whether you make you own kit or purchase a pre made one yourself
  3. Personalised items - Books, baubles, towels, stickers, name tags
  4. Sandals - If all kids are anything like mine they will go through a few pairs a year.
  5. Doona sets - Although character brand doona sets are usually expensive, alot are on sale at xmas
  6. DVDs - Most retail stores sell kids DVDs for under $10
  7. Popcorn machine - You can pick these up for under $20
  8. Milkshake machine - Also for under $20...may increase milk consumption though!
  9. Watches - You can get a bargain for under $20
  10. Puzzles - Wooden puzzles are great for Little's
  11. Baking sets - Have a budding chef in the family? pick up pieces weekly or buy a pre made pack.
  12. Costumes - All kids love to dress up and around Xmas stores put these on sale.
  13. Bedroom nameplates - You can make these (especially if it isn't a popular name) or buy pre made
  14. Bubbles - Bubble machines or even the little packs..all kids and lots of adults love bubbles
  15. Books - Educational, fun and don't cost an arm and a leg.
  16. Colour coded plate sets - Big families love me!
  17.  Pre made ginger bread house - We received one last year and the kids loved it!
  18. Lunch box - You can find gorgeous thrifty priced lunch boxes for around $15 .. mum will thank you!
  19. Electric toothbrushes - They RRP roughly $10-$15 and kids love whizzy teeth
  20. Kids towels - I know we always need new towels so they definitely come in handy
  21. Jewellery box - Little girls love something to put their bits and bobs in
  22. Ant farm - Boys and girls can have hours of can mum 
  23. Pillow pets - We have all heard the annoying song but the pets are cheap and snugly
  24. A ball - Every child loves a new ball. They are inexpensive, fun and keep kids active
  25. Movie tickets - Why not treat the whole family.
  26. Bike Helmet - Not overly expensive and safe!
  27. Console Game - Depending on what console you are buying for you can find bargains everywhere
  28. Create your own shirt - Craft shops have these in supply. Let kids decorate and wear their shirt.
  29. Wall stickers - Kids love a colourful bright room and they wont break the bank
  30. A diary or journal.
Most of this list would suit 3-10 year olds.

What not to buy someone else's child:

  • Play dough - It will only end badly
  • Underwear - We usually get sooo many pairs I don't know which way is up
  • Gift cards - I hate being hounded for weeks after Christmas by the kids "when we will be spending our gift cards, mum???" "never you little toads"
  • Noise makers - Whether they are instruments or singing toys - Parents will hate you
  • Christmas teddy bears - Each of my child has one for the year they were born. But they are huge and an excess of them will probably be given away
  • Pens/Pencils/Crayons - Parents will again hate you because you aided their child in scribbling on the walls
  • Stickers - I go nuts every time I find stickers stuck to everything in sight
  • Religious items - Unless the family are religious play safely.

I usually ask the mums before purchasing a present for their child. Maybe there are things she would appreciate they receive. Excess is waste so try to fit in with gifts that would suit.


  1. I agree totally with everything you've said, especially the NOT TO BUY list! haha!

  2. Lol Well the not to buy list works for me best. Just my thoughts. I'd probably give them just hate receiving! lol
