Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Going Back to school.

15 tips on how to get the kids back to school cheap and efficiently.

Cheap easy to make name stickers

1. Print a spread sheet full of your child's name and class

cut out the names and place them on pencils, glue and books, cover with contact.


2. Look through your child's last years books and bags/lunch boxes, if in good repair, give them a wash and any other minor fixes and resend them. (contact books in a funky colour)

Make your own smock

3. Smocks can be as expensive at $40 a pop. Why not find an old t shirt of an older sibling. Let your child decorate it and send it along as an art smock.Sewing your own would also be thrifty!

Shop around

4.Books and pencils and accessories can add up shopping at big brand stores. Checking your local thrift shops, cheap stores and woollies can save you big amounts. Often the products are better value.

Practice routine

5.If you begin your morning and bedtime back to school routines 2 weeks before first day. Your children will be on the ball when D day comes.


6.Buy socks in bulk packs that are easy to match at washing time. I buy all my children the same sized and coloured socks. That way if any get lost there is always a pair


7. Ask around your school and see if they sell second hand uniforms. Also checking with other mums and on websites. You may pay 1/3 of the price as brand new.


8. Compile an updated list of emergency contacts that can be put in your child's file, first day back


9. Is your child preparing to walk or ride to school on their own? Practice trips to school can help prepare them. Make sure they follow road rules and know the best ways to get there. Enforce stranger danger and practice problems arising.Make sure helmets and hats also bikes are up to scratch and well maintained.


10. Develop lists of all the items you need with a set budget. Allowing your child to choose 1 item gives them a sense of responsibility.


11.Prepare your child with nutritious non perishable lunches. If it needs to be refrigerated it will probably go funky before their meal break.Which means they wont eat it thus wasting $$

Keeping track

12.Organise a calendar used solely for school activities. List interviews and parent meetings, Special events and play dates. Make sure you never forget whats coming up.


13.Buy a giant bottle of sunscreen and fill roll on bottles for your child to keep in their back pack. Always send your kids with a wide brimmed hat and apply sun cream before school.

Homework zone

14.Create a homework area with a desk and study needs. Make sure it is quiet and somewhere your child can concentrate.


15. Find out all your child's classmates names and keep them listed. This is invaluable for birthday parties and card lists.

These steps do work! Are you excited or a little sad with your kids going back?
I don't think I could whoop enough!!

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