Monday, January 16, 2012

She's hitting the fan.

Drama seems to cling to me like glue.
A year ago I met a woman I thought would be great friend material.
I didn't listen to the warnings - She is super jealous, of everything. She has anger problems. She lies. She has knock down drag out fights with her husband every time they throw a shindig (fortnightly), her husband is a sleazebag.
Nope I didn't listen, I went in blinded by her pretty hair and bright smile.
Silly me.

We met at our local hang out, for the first few months she was funny, charming, helpful and friendly.
We shared life stories and hopes, we spent weekends together and our kids formed bonds. We went away for a weekend with our hubby's and had a ball.
And then I began noticing what was lurking beneath the surface.
Constant gossip and judgement, lies after lies, having to pick up the bill whenever we went out, her drama breakdowns, the way she abused any woman who came near The Daddy Man, yes MY Daddy Man, her wine on a beer budget, her cruelness, the way she ignored and spoke to her kids.
The list is endless and exhausting.

I began having doubts about our friendship. I don't handle needy very well. I call a spade a spade. I will go to the ends of the earth for my dearest, but expect the same. I take people at face value and expect to be able to trust.

One evening her and i went out to our local hang out, shit went down and i decided i was done.
With the whole situation.
She took offence and started screaming at me in front of everyone.
I was horrified, I'm not used to hostile situations.
I made a hasty exit and stayed away from our local hangout, for a few weeks.
By the following day my phone was full of abusive text messages and phone call attempts.
I didn't want a bar of it, I wasn't going to forgive.

Days turned into weeks and I woke up at 3am one morning to hearing who i assumed were my neighbours fighting. It was her, standing out the front of my house hurling abuse. I made formal complaints and my stress levels grew.
I decided i needed to do some soul searching and became quite a recluse. I didn't go socialising so much.
I felt down and sad. How did something good turn into something so shit??
The rumours started, and i heard snippets. I became the biggest subject in her life. I kept it as my business, I didn't fuel rumours, but people did contact me saying she was notorious for this behaviour. She had done it before and will do it again.
People I thought were friends, faded away. Slowly I learnt who was to be treasured and who not.
I was sad.

One day I decided I was over it, Who the hell was she to stop me from doing the things i enjoyed. Her psychotic power was over ruling my life and I hated it. I picked myself up, dusted myself off and thought fuck you!
I began socialising again, ignored the lies and focused on my happiness.
Saturday night The Daddy Man and I went to our local hangout to celebrate my birthday (its tomorrow peeps :P). To me the crap was over, I assumed we had both moved on. My philosophy is: if you don;t like someone, don't talk to them.

And then I heard the kicker.
 People started asking me how I was going?. It was in a way that they slanted their heads and looked at my stomach. I felt odd. Have I grown some large tumour and haven't noticed? Are people seeing something I cannot? And then it came out.

Nosey Acquaintance: So when are you due?
Me: Due what?? uni??
Nosey Acquaintance: No the baby, you would be about 6 months now, wouldn't you?
Me: *Shock face* What the hell are you talking about?
Nosey Acquaintance: Aren't you pregnant?
Me: No who the crap told you that??
Nosey Acquaintance: Oh *bitch face* did, she said you are pregnant to her husband.

My world was feeling rocky, I walked off startled and asked a few other people if that was what they had heard. All the while sculling my beers like a mad lady.
Apparently they wondered why I was drinking...while being up the stick.

I think Round Two has began, I will be her favourite subject for a long time to come.
Although I am furious and flabbergasted, I have decided to laugh. Are people really this delusional? I wont react (aside from this blog post, I needed to vent a little). I will continue on my day like I have since this started.
After all I have a baby to prepare for....right?

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