Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to make mummy blush 101

Most days i adore my children. "The boys" are in prep and year one this year so Cgirl and Hboy keep me company through the days.

 I take such delight in picking my sons up from school and asking them how their day was. I love hearing about counting and activities, who they played with and whether their teacher was cranky or not ( makes me feel less evil when I'm grouchy). "The babies" and i walk to collect them every afternoon. The round trip takes about an hour because we live a kilometre away from school. So every arvo at 2pm off we push, Hboy in the pram and Cgirl dawdling behind. Walking gives us a chance to talk about how much better girls are than boys, how Cgirl wishes everything was pink and we play 5 or 6 rounds of i spy.

This afternoon nothing was different and off we went. After Cgirl had three or four drinks at the water troughs and decided she needed the toilet right then, the bell went. Tman always meets us at Jmans classroom so as i walked up to the class i could see him standing waiting. After kisses and hugs and Jman being let out, we began our journey home.

As we began leaving the school Cgirl decided she needed a sit down break. We ventured over to the seats they have outside of the school, in a handy little courtyard and all sat down for a chat.

 The Jman, "the babies" and i were discussing his day while the Tman stood behind us in one of the child friendly (i think that's what they are there for) garden beds. After about 5 minutes of chatter and me asking if we could leave (dinner needs to be cooked eventually??). Little Mr Jman stopped and looked up at me. His face looked like he had been slapped with a fish. As He stared up at me he declared as loud as his 5 year old voice could go "mum did you know you have a giant moustache???". As my face turned  a shade of beetroot red. The other mothers and fathers exiting the school started looking at me to find out for themselves if i did indeed resemble groucho Marx,At this point i was attempting to shh the Jboy. But apparently my efforts at telling him to be quiet fell on deaf ears, because Jboy decided to yell to his brother, behind me, that mummy had a giant red moustache. I decided at that point that we were leaving and attempted to make a hasty exit down the street. But not before Jboy decided to tell his best friend, his best friends mother and the lolly pop lady all about his mothers moustache and asking if they also had one.

Apparently this is me

Needless to say i will be using my facial hair removal cream tonight and making a point of showing him my bald top lip tomorrow!!

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