Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Insomnia - Doesn't it just keep you up at night..oh wait...

Insomnia is something i have suffered for years. I think it started when my babies were little and woke up every 15 minutes second hour and demanded to be fed and changed and cuddled and anything else they needed right that second!! Then my PND kicked in and decided sleeping was not for this little duck.

Most people know i am a night owl. Whether it be anxiety keeping me awake (i can lay thinking about a phone call or appointment for the following day for hours), stress (what time are the chillies going to wake me up??), excitement (oh my god it's shopping day tomorrow, I'll be leaving the house yay!) or thinking about what to blog next. Either way i lay next to The Daddy Man for hours with my mind ticking over thinking about all sorts of stuff.

The past few years i have taken to picturing myself in movies or books i have seen/read, playing heroic roles or escaping zombies and that usually sends me to snooze land after an hour or three. I have tried sleeping pills which are great, except my eyes don't want to open when my alarm blares into my ear drums at 6am. Sometimes i just stay up and watch movies or read books for hours on end and eventually i drop off. I have even tried the counting sheep way - That sucks!! They recommend an adult should get at least 8 hours of unbroken sleep a night to be functional and healthy. No wonder I'm a demon mother every morning and drag my feet around like a sloth.

Every time i have a bout of insomnia i stay awake until at least 4 or 5am and then attempt to catch a few hours of shut eye before being bounced on by the chillies. Which makes me a monster mummy. I bark orders and stomp around until The Daddy Man has enough and tells me to go and have a nap. Isn't he grand??

Alas i wish i was allergic to insomnia, my life would be bliss!!

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