Now that my big boys are back at school I am feeling at ease with our complete routines. I love routine and with so many kids it is needed to maintain some sense of order within our home.
I am feeling really proud and gooey right now. You see last year my boys hated school. Mornings were a constant battle to raise them from their graves, getting them dressed, and fed and at school ON TIME.
They whinged and complained and just hated it.
They must have had a little turn around over the holidays. We are into week 2 and they haven't complained once. They rise and put on their uniforms, assist with lunches and off they go 15 minutes early!
Homework used to be a huge battle. If they even remembered to bring it home or not feed it to the dog (literally) then they would whinge and carry on like pork chops about doing it. They despised reading their sight words and books. It made me quite down, I believe education is our future. I want my children to strive and be the best they can be.
This year in week 2 I am so shocked at the amazing change. They get home with limited arguing. After school punch ups are a thing of the past and homework is their first priority.
Tman is a left handed boy and has had a bit of trouble with his handwriting. As he hasn't received homework just yet I have been doing my own in order for him to practice correcting his flaws. Spacing and neatness have been an issue but we are working on it and I really am optimistic. He has a new found enthusiasm when it comes to learning. I am a proud mummy.
The boys haven't ruined one lunch box, school bag or pair of shoes so far and I am hoping that continues. They haven't forgotten their drink bottles at all either!!
Around the dinner table this week we discussed what the boys get up to in their lunch hours. They told us they play together at the library. I had flashbacks to my primary school days - Kids with no friends hung out in the library. After a slight panic attack I asked them why they didn't get out and play. Jman loves his Lego which I found out the library is filled with. Tman was worried about him and decided to "look after" him for a few days as he was limited to what he could do in prep. Tman introduced Jman to all his buddies and for the past 2 days Jman and a few of his year one mates have been joining Tman and his year 2 mates in games of "secret spies".
"Secret spies" when explained to me is about a group of year 2 boys spying on year 2 girls to make sure the girls aren't getting any romantic ideas about the boys. Cute right?
I feel much more relieved knowing Jman has settled into year one with guidance from his big brother. As much as they are like chalk and cheese sometimes they always look out for one another.
As the boys have the same teachers as last year I am also relieved to be able to trust the teachers curriculum. To know my boys are getting the very best when it comes to their grade keeps me smiling.
I am so glad they have finally settled in well and am really looking forward to what this school year brings.
How have your kids settled in back to school? Does anyone have any tips on help with left handed children when it comes to handwriting?
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