Our family is completed by three beautiful girls named Gemma, Coco and Jessie. They are naughty, mischievous and sometimes highly frustrating. They are 2 dogs and 1 cat.
Over the years I have stood in my fair share of poop. Cat poop, dog poop and children poop.
Over the years some of my belongings have been destroyed. By our dogs, cat and children.
Over the years food has been stolen, shoes lost, toys ruined. By our dogs, cat and children.
Over the years I have gotten angry at members of our family for being too loud.
You guessed it, the dogs, cat and children
Last December we lost a beloved member of our family, our youngest cat Skiddy ran outside the house onto the road and was promptly hit by a van. I was hysterical as she ran off after being hit and we didn't find her for 2 weeks.
I imagined her slowly dying, alone, without me. I sobbed my frikken heart out.
Although my pets aren't my children - nothing compares to my children, I do find myself loving them in a similar way. They look up to us, rely on us, give us unconditional love and sometimes make us down right cranky.
We love our pets, they are apart of our home and our hearts.
Our oldest pet is Gemma, she is a Pekingese x shitzu that we paid an astronomical price for 6 years ago. She is cranky and nervous. She is our guard dog even though she stands less than 1 foot tall. She looks like an ewok and has been known to find any space under a fence and run like the wind. She hates walks in the park but happily sits in the bottom of the pram.
Our second oldest pet is Coco. We found her wandering the streets skinny as a stick meowing with her brother. I took them in without hesitation. Although her brother ended up leaving us we kept Coco without a second thought She is cranky and quite anti social unless she smells chicken or needs a feed. But sometimes we get lovely little snuggles. We estimate she was around 14 weeks when we found her which makes her about 5 years old.
Our youngest pet is Jessie. Jess is a Staffy X Daschund (yes you read that right). She is a bit of an odd looking dog. She is orange and long but with staffy legs and head. She is very sooky and loves The Daddy Man to pieces. She is loyal and friendly. We received Jessie after an acquaintance needed to find her a home. Little did we know it was because she was a runner.
These 3 girls bring at least one smile to my face every day. If I am ever sad or alone I know they have my back!
What saddens me is a trend I have noticed becoming more and more popular.
People giving away pets because they are naughty or destructive. People surrendering animals to shelters because they can't cope or just can no longer be bothered....that's not what gets my gripe so much. I understand that sometimes circumstances change or you can no longer look after the pet.
However...and this is what really shits me. Pet collecting...or going through pets more often than they are bloody knickers.
A year ago a lady my cousin knows well got rid of her dog, she was digging and chewing and being a right naughty pup. But instead of training and seeking some sort of guidance the dog was surrendered to the RSPCA.
Within a month this lady bought 2 gorgeous purebred puppies. Obviously they grew up and started chewing and digging and jumping fences. A month ago they were both surrendered to the RSPCA!!!
But wait theres more...today she posted a photo on face book. Her new puppy. The same breed as the last, fresh out of the puppy mill. I will be counting down the days till this little pumpkin receives the same fate.
Another woman I know through my sister. Has 8 cats and 4 dogs. Anytime a kitten or puppy is advertised she jumps on it with glee. None of her animals are desexed so they breed often. As soon as one of the dogs or cats get out of hand off they go to the RSPCA. After which she collects a new animal to add to her menagerie.
How is this acceptable?? To me a pet is for life. As I said before I understand circumstances change, people can no longer cope or realise a pet doesn't suit their lifestyle. But why bother getting another one?
Why encourage the animal to love you, feed it daily, bathe it, snuggle it. Only to then pass it on to an organisation that barely float.
The RSPCA have enough trouble re homing animals. Alot are euthanized because they can't cope with the sheer volume of abandoned pets.
Before buying/receiving an animal, I believe you should understand the gravity of what you are taking on.
Would you dump your child because it misbehaved??
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