The day before yesterday I started taking some women's multivitamins.
Let me just state that shit is GOLD..I haven't had so much energy in years.
As you all know I have been on a weight loss journey and although I am proud to say I have just hit the 24kg loss mark, I'd be lying if I said my energy levels wernt affected.
I'm tired and grumpy and anxious...ALL the time.
So yes the cenovis women's multi are rocking my socks.
For the past 2 day's I have been feeling fantastic.
And then I woke up this morning....I made lunches and dressed kids, yelled a bit and then promptly went back to bed. I never go back to bed!
I slept for another 2 hours and woke up to The Daddy Man asking if I was okay.
Thankfully today was one of his days off this week.
I feel so crap because I now have a chest infection.
My lungs are tight, I can't stop sneezing and coughing and I just want to sleep.
Standing isn't easy because I am dizzy as hell, all the time.
I find being sick highly frustrating. While I know it will pass in a matter of days, I am not used to the side affects.
Messy floors, kids without clothes on, kids with each others clothes on, a kitchen full of dirty dishes and a line full of dry, but now soaked because it rained, clothing.
The Daddy Man relies on me to keep order. He knows where things are by asking. He knows when to hang washing because he's told.
Me being sick has made him feel a tad lost.
I cannot stress how thankful I am to him for showering and dressing and feeding the kidlets. And of course for doing paracetamol and water runs to me in bed. He's also let me sleep most of the day....Love Love Love him!!
I rarely get sick, I'm the boss. A simple sniffle can't take me down!!
I am not one to post hideous photos of myself, but tonight I want to show you what being really sick does to this mummy
Wiggle,cough,Wiggle...YEAH |
I'm sexy and I know it;)
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